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LIVE from the Game Room

Monday, January 17, 2011

Time. It Goes By So Fast.

While I was working on my Daily Game Log entry this morning, a thought came into my mind. The way that I have been keeping track of the games I play is simple: Whenever I play one, I would then write the title of the game - mostly after I have played it - into my small, trusty notebook. When the week is over, I would then transfer the information onto this site and into an Excel spreadsheet. This morning, I was wondering about the number of pages in the notebook that it took for me to log what I played in 2010. The answer to that was not necessary surprising as it was more enlightening: 9 and a half pages.

It looks like I am going to be using this notebook for a long time to come....

Sure, it makes a lot of sense because I wasn't writing a novel but abbreviations of the names of the video games I played throughout those days but something about the whole thing reminded me about the relativity of time: how a big part of my life became so simplified by the notebook entries. Well that and the entertaining idea that if one without the knowledge of video gaming was tasked to decipher its content, that individual may conclude that the notebook used to belong to a disillusioned madman who likes to "laugh out loud" a lot, especially during the notebook's more recent entries...

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