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LIVE from the Game Room

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

That's Not Fair, Nintendo

Ever wondered what happened to the Platinum reward that we deserved for the last Club Nintendo fiscal year? Instead of getting something mega awesome like this, we get the awful selection shown here instead. Well, Nintendo just revealed that you have to pay 1500 Coins for the reward that we Platinum members were supposed to receive. That's right, instead of blessing those who support them by accumulating enough points to hit the Platinum level, Nintendo is now reserving the coolest reward as something that you need to buy using the coins. Yes, I am talking about the super amazing Luigi figurine below:

Yes, 1500 bloody coins.

I used to have that many coins but I have been spending the coins on the games that they have been offering in the Club Nintendo shop. Though it is disappointing that loyal Nintendo supporters cannot just get this as a Platinum reward, the reason behind this is simple. Nintendo is losing money. Soon, they will abandon the hardware business - at least on the console side - and release their games on Steam and possibly the other consoles. By offering such an irresistible product that can only be purchased using the Club Nintendo coins, Nintendo hopes that this will drive their numbers up because now, not only do one strive to get to the Platinum level, but one also has to accumulate enough coins for the Luigi figurine. Yeah, it's a desperate move that further confirmed that Nintendo is really struggling. This is all going to be for the better though as I will support every single Nintendo game that shows up on Steam and I know that you will to.

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