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LIVE from the Game Room

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Unlike Mila Kunis...

Everyone knows who Mila Kunis is. She used to play one of the annoying characters in That 70's Show and she seems to be mistaken as an actress since she always seem to be able to get herself into quite a number of roles. Unlike DVDs and Blu-ray discs ruined by Mila Kunis however, it seems like Ni No Kuni, with its Wrath of the White Witch subtitle, the supposedly good PlayStation 3 role playing game is not easily available at my local retailers. I do want to play this game because I do enjoy previous efforts by developer Level-5 with Dark Cloud 2 being their masterpiece and Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King trailing behind it. Also, I'd like to support games that actually make use of the PS3 tech because the game does look quite good compared to a majority of games being released on the console. And they want to release the PlayStation 4? So silly. When are they going to learn that it's not about the tech but it's always about the developer's creativity and art-style? Why is Rez still so timelessly beautiful now when wireframe graphics technique was used to make the game? Yes, I am still hot about that hilarious PS4 announcement but let's get back to the main discussion: I found it baffling that more than a month after the game's official release, Ni no Kuni is not available for purchase in my area. I will say that I didn't check my local GameStop - I will never ever go back there. The game is indeed available to be downloaded from the PlayStation Network Store... It's as if Sony is limiting the number of retail copies and is insisting that people buy this digitally so that they can make more money but then, they are still shying away from the idea of full digital distribution for the PS4. Mind boggling!

"Soon after the release of the PS4, I began asking developers what they want for the PS5."
- Mark Cerny, PlayStation Meeting 2018

Update Note: 03/05/2013 - The game was finally available over the weekend at my favorite electronic store and I did pick it up immediately.


Chalgyr said...

I was waiting to try and find it a few bucks cheaper used maybe, but then realized I couldn't even find it new most places. I bought the last copy my Gamestop had for sale. I've been enjoying it so far - I'm a few hours in, but it was not easy to snag.

Loner Gamer said...

Apparently it's a national epidemic. Sony, just go full digital distribution already and stop doing things half-heartedly. Bad enough that you do head-scratching things like settling for 1080p 30fps standard instead of 1080p 60fps for that upcoming PS4...