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LIVE from the Game Room

Monday, February 25, 2013

Games Played 02/18/2013 - 02/24/2013

- 02/18/2013 -
Final Fantasy XIII - PlayStation 3
- 02/19/2013 -
Final Fantasy XIII - PlayStation 3
League of Legends - PC
- 02/20/2013 -
Final Fantasy XIII - PlayStation 3
League of Legends - PC
- 02/21/2013 -
Guild Wars 2 - PC
League of Legends - PC
Panzer Dragoon II: Zwei - SegaSaturn
Sonic & All-Stars Racing; Transformed - PC
- 02/22/2013 -
Guild Wars 2 - PC
Gradius V - PlayStation 2
League of Legends - PC
Need for Speed: Most Wanted - PC
New Super Mario Bros. U - Wii U
- 02/23/2013 -
Guild Wars 2 - PC
- 02/24/2013 -
As you have  noticed from the previous day, I only got a chance to play one game before I fell ill. So ill that I couldn't even play anything else for almost two days. I was recovering all weekend and thankfully I am well again today.
Screenshot of the Week:
The new DLC track is awesome but... where's the Shiny World soundtrack?!
Sonic & All-Stars Racing: Transfromed ( Personal Computer)

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