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LIVE from the Game Room

Friday, February 1, 2013

Double Display? What Does It Mean?

When I got my new 56" display not too long ago, I decided not to sell my previous 52" display that was starting to show its age. I actually offered to set up the display in the living room for the spouse but apparently, the spouse rather keep another hand-me-down, an old DLP that I used previously for gaming because ts has a larger size of 56". I explained to the spouse that the DLP is plagued with overscan and that my 52" LCD will no longer cut the edges of the video feed. That argument was not convincing enough so I have now found a different use for the display - as a second screen for my Personal Computer in my Game Room. I wonder why I didn't think of this before. I did a test run and the dual screen setup is great! I can even stream on one screen and watch that very stream or something else on the other. All it takes now for me is to move some furniture around so that both screen will be on the same level. I may do this tomorrow. I will post a picture of the setup once everything is complete!

Double the big screen! Delicious?

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