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LIVE from the Game Room

Friday, February 22, 2013

Valentine's Day 2013 Story

Something really hot happened during Valentine's Day last week. The spouse and I had just returned from a delicious, romantic dinner at our favorite sushi restaurant and we went straight into the bedroom... No, not the bedroom actually for it was the Game Room! The spouse then instructed me to go to amazon.com and pick several games that I would like to have. Today, those games have arrived and what makes this particular group induction significant besides the fact that these games are Valentine's Day gifts  from the spouse is the fact that one of them is a Wii U game. What? So it took close to 3 months before I got myself another Wii U game. You got to pick up the speed Nintendo and deliver us some quality video games that could have released on the old Wii console...

The spouse gets the foo-foo stuff and I get the games.

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