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LIVE from the Game Room

Saturday, March 2, 2013

I Am Ready... To 8

I discovered today that a friend has been using a Windows 8 gaming laptop and the his impression of 8 is that it is just Windows 7 with a few extra features. He did mention that there's no reason to upgrade if one has 7 but since I have already purchased the license during the promotion period, if it's not going to have any negative impact, then I think that I should move ahead with it. Steam and Origin are both working fine on 8 and he has played a number of games without any performance issues. The next X-Box will probably revolve around Windows 8 anyway so that was another thing I considered. After the conversation, I have decided to go ahead and upgrade my PC to 8 and I plan to have this done tonight... So if I never came back, you know what happened. Wish me luck!

Heaven or Hell? I am about to find out.

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