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LIVE from the Game Room

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Skin... Super Sale?!

I am still pretty darn raw from the recent Steam Holiday Sale and now this? Starting yesterday, Riot Games is offering discounts for 12 absolutely delicious alternate skins for League of Legends on the Personal Computer! The sale ends this coming Monday and these skins are definitely must-haves for those who love these 12 featured champions.

Not sure about that Battle Bunny Riven but everything else is pretty hot!

I only have enough Riot Points for two of them so I went for Blackthorn Morgana and Tyrant Swain. I really wanted a couple of more in the selection, like that awesome Darkflame Syvana - too bad I haven't unlocked the champion yet - and that sweet Guqin Sona - but I think I prefer the Muse Sona that I have already unlocked. Still have a couple of days though to think things over.

Double the winged madness.

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