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Friday, January 4, 2013

DOTA 2 Giveaway

I have three DOTA 2 early access keys to be given out on a first come first served basis. Why buy the $30 early access for what will eventually be a completely free to play game? Especially when you can just get it from yours truly... That is, as long as you are quick enough to get here! You must have a Steam account to receive the key. All you have to do is write a comment on this article and as long as you are a follower of the blog, either via the Google Friend Connect or Google+, you will qualify for the key. Note however that those who live in China will not be able to redeem the game. Good luck!

The game is going to be in beta forever. Get your key today!

Update Note:
8:25pm - 1 access claimed.
01/05/2013, 4:35pm - 2 gone. There is only 1 free access left.


Unknown said...

hey man i didnt found the function to add your blog. but i would really to do.
Maybe you could send me a key the lxcheck@web.de i would be glad dude.
Thanks a lot. will follow u if youre right with that what you say

Loner Gamer said...

The join functions for both can be found on the right hand side of the blog under "Other Gamers". Good luck.

Unknown said...

yeaa now iam following it i guess....please dude, looking for a while to get a key. since this weird romania site has given 10k keys away i wasnt aware of it. man you get my cat via cod for a key :P

but like i said. lxcheck@web.de
forgott my damn pwd for the web adresse.

thanks in advance.

Unknown said...

yay found it....guess its the jack making me search so long for it. will check your page from time to time.
would ya use the mail i added on comment dude since i changed my pwd and forgott it lol`? will be very nice of you.

Unknown said...

gimmeeee will be my birthday gift that.
just did what you wrote. hope no scam

Loner Gamer said...

John Penner, I have sent you an email in regards to your DOTA 2 access. That's 1 gone, 2 more to go.

Matthew Carlisle said...

Hey, I have a Google+ account but I've forgotten my sign in stuff for it and it's separate from my YouTube account, unfortunately. However, I'll like your page on Facebook if you'll accept that. Anyway, I check your site from time to time and you really keep up with your stuff so yeah. Good luck in your future endeavors, man!

Loner Gamer said...

Hi Matthew, that is fine and thank you. I do need your Steam name however so that I can send the DOTA 2 access to you. Feel free to email it to me or just contact me on Steam: AlexWorth.

.a.z.r.i. said...

can i get one?



Loner Gamer said...

.a.z.r.i., your Steam profile shows that you already own DOTA 2 so the Steam gift was unable to be sent to you.

Those who are still interested, the last access is still available. Good luck!