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LIVE from the Game Room

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Double Reading? What Does It Mean?

The spouse and I went to our favorite Chinese buffet today for lunch and like always, I would crack open and read both of our fortune cookies. Now I have been cracking open fortune cookies for me and the spouse since the dawn of time but this is the first the first time ever that we both received the same message:

Sure, the grammar is questionable but is there a significance to this?

Is this an omen of some kind? A hint towards some kind of duplicity in my life? Perhaps a commentary on video gaming itself? That Microsoft and Sony are both going to make the same decision of abandoning any plan of future consoles? Or is it something simpler? Maybe the universe is trying to point out that the spouse and I were meant to be together? It's more likely that those responsible for making fortune cookies are just running out of ideas.

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