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Monday, August 13, 2012

Steam Grid View Custom Images Galore

I saw that there was a beta opt-in available for the Steam client and I immediately jumped on it but unfortunately, it wasn't for the upcoming community content enhancements update that's in the works. I noticed several ugly, empty grids however in my Steam Library Grid View so I replaced them with nicer looking custom images - thank you Valve for giving us the superhuman-level ability to do this - so that I wouldn't go crazy when I scroll up and down the list looking for games to play. I have decided that whenever I created a custom image for my Steam games, I would then post it on this article just in case people are looking for them. I made 3 new ones today but I have also included the ones I created in the past sans the ones for Diablo III, which I already posted before - you can download it by clicking here. [Last Update: 10/20/2013]

DEFCON Beta Demo

Dirt 2

Divinity: Dragon Commander Beta

Galaxy on Fire 2: Full HD
Since pre-ordering games doesn't come with a nice grid image.

Guild Wars

Heroes of Newerth

Irem Arcade Hits

EA Origin


Sanctum Beta
Don't you just love developers forcing beta accesses without adding in a grid image?

Septerra Core: Legacy of the Creator

Sid Meier's Civilization V: SDK

Serious Sam 3: BFE Dedicated Server

Serious Sam 3: BFE Editor


Because Apocalypse's eyes are so very evil!

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