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LIVE from the Game Room

Friday, August 24, 2012

Guild Wars 2: Not That Easy Anymore

My spouse has been away out of state since Monday of this week to take care of some family business in New York and will not be coming home until late this Sunday. Apparently, the spouse has been keeping up on my daily postings because I got a text message this evening asking me to go check my email. Low and behold, this is what I found:
What... The... Meteor?
And this was after I had reinstalled the original Guild Wars plus all of its expansions this afternoon - an action that was motivated by the fact that I was encountering long loading screens when entering a new area initially because I only had the basic game client installed. Of course this is going to cause much complications in my plan and I bet you are laughing over there honey. You know that you still have to come back to me and you know as a punishment you will have to sit in the Game Room and watch me play this. Yes, I am sure you're regretting it now. I am very surprised that the 3-day "Headstart Access" was attached to this thing. Will I be playing it at launch this midnight? I wasn't prepared for this actually or I would have taken a nap earlier. We shall see. With the new Paragon system in Diablo III, my ever continuing obsession with League of Legends, my desire to explore the original Guild Wars, and now this? Is it even plausible to play both the original and this sequel concurrently?

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