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LIVE from the Game Room

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Guild Wars 2: An Easy Decision

Many of my friends have pre-purchased Guild Wars 2 for the Personal Computer and have participated in its beta. They all have nothing but positive things to say about the game. Guild Wars 2 is being released on Monday of next week but those who pre-ordered it can start playing the game this Friday. I can't say that I am not tempted to get my hand on the game - as a matter of fact, the spouse offered to get it for me recently - but I just can't justify getting the game right now. The reason behind it is simple: I still have the first Guild Wars.
The time to play this game is now.
I have written many times about my struggles in committing to Guild Wars in the past and basically, I have not explored the entirety of the massive amount of contents that could be found in this game and all of its expansions that I actually do own. The one thing that troubled me the most about Guild Wars was the limited amount of skills you can take with you into battle but I am quite used to that by now because I have been playing too much League of Legends. Now that the sequel is almost here, I am reminded that I really should do my best to experience everything that this game has to offer because you never know when they are going to take down the game server. I really sure hope that when that happens, they will patch this game to be playable offline. Hopefully, I will be able to satiate all of my Guild Wars curiosities before that time arrives.

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