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LIVE from the Game Room

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Diablo III Interest Revitalized

So I have a confession to make. Even though for the last two months, Diablo III on the Personal Computer has been the most played title in my Game Library, there are only so many times that I could fillet Diablo's @$$ before everything starts to get a little boring. Sure, I still have two more classes to max out to 60, legendary items to hunt, and the hardcore mode to experiment with but after a while, the whole thing does start to feel rather repetitive. But hey, what is this? Blizzard had just released the character profiles on the official website and they look pretty darn cool featuring all the information you could ever need from your characters. The profiles are so detailed that they even showed the items you equipped on your followers! I really like having access to gloat on my characters outside of the game and it's the little things like the character profiles that has fueled  me to jump back on the game again and get moving on at least getting all my characters to 60. Diablo, you need to get ready to get your @$$ handed back to you over and over again. There is one problem with the character profiles however - your in-game character model is not included! They have done it for World of Warcraft so I hope that it will be coming out for this game in the future.

It isn't hard for people to guess Mr. Oblongata's first name...

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