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LIVE from the Game Room

Friday, August 3, 2012

Steam is So Convenient, I...

In the middle of last month, my Personal Computer got a really nasty virus attack that forced me to do a clean install. To this day, I still haven't completely reinstalled all of the retail games back to my PC. Things are quite different when it comes to my Steam library - almost all of them are ready to be played with one click of my gaming mouse. I was about to reinstall my retail copy of Titan Quest and its Immortal Throne expansion an hour ago before I noticed that they are on sale today on Steam. I looked at the 5 discs involved in reinstalling the first game and then the additional one for the expansion then I looked at my Steam client and I said to myself, "Screw it. I'm just going to get this cheap digital version!" Soon after, both games got downloaded into my PC and now, I don't even have to keep the expansion disc close by - the retail version does a disc-check per play. I love you too much, Steam!

Now, what to do with the retail discs... Guess I can go touch them every once in a while.

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