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LIVE from the Game Room

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

You Sure You Didn't Misspell "Farting"?

I got the invitation to beta test Sony's upcoming LittleBigPlanet Karting for the PlayStation 3 sometime last month and I didn't even bother to check it out. The LittleBigPlanet games of the past are those games that I really want to spend a lot of time playing but is just too busy being distracted by greater games - you know, like League of Legends on the Personal Computer - but I did manage to play some of the pre-made and custom levels and they were fun despite the twitchy platforming. Let me explain why I think this upcoming Karting sequel should be avoided like the plague and syphilis: Shouldn't this be just a mere downloadable content add-on? I mean, was it not the point of the TWO LittleBigPlanet titles to be able to make all sorts of different games? Surely, it wouldn't be a stretch to add the full 3D exploration engine on top of the 2D plane with just an add-on instead of a full blown $60 title? Also, let's not forget that there is already a "make-your-own-kart-game" title out there published by Sony by the name of ModNation Racers that ended up being notorious for featuring one of the longest and most disgusting load times in gaming history. Why can't Sony just continue to support that game and fix it instead of moving on and give us something more of the same? Yes, avoid this one folks. Let's not give Media Molecule and Sony the idea that we are mindless zombies ready to eat at any bits of the skin flakes that fall from their heads from scratching.

Expect big, fiery explosion of stink to come out of this edition of LBP.

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