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LIVE from the Game Room

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Faces of Ashe

During a League of Legends match on the Personal Computer today, someone on my team had selected to play Ashe using the "Freljord Ashe" skin and the splash art looked new to me. When the match was over, I went to the champion list to check it out again and I then noticed that Riot Games had updated the Queen Ashe splash art as well! This is the second revision of the splash art for this skin ever since Ashe got a new in-game model. I am just very impressed that Riot is always trying to polish up the game's presentation. There are still plenty of horrid splash art out there though - like that nasty one for the default Anivia - and I can't wait for the day when all of them have been replaced.

Definitely an improvement compared to the last one and the one before it.

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