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LIVE from the Game Room

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Steam Greenlight: Vote Now

Today, Steam Greenlight has finally been made available by Valve in the Steam client and it is quite an innovation in the gaming world. The "Greenlight" page is accessible under the Community tab and thus far, it houses 400+ games and counting that the gamers can vote on with a thumbs up and a thumbs down. There is even a comment section where you can share your thoughts on these games. These vote will become a parameter to whether or not these games will get released on Steam but more than anything else, it's just a way for independent developers to reach out to potential customers to see if they would be able to get support, thus profit, with a Steam release. So jump on your Steam client tonight and start voting. Some of these games are so good, it makes me wonder why they needed to be in Steam Greenlight to begin with while the rest are so bloody awful, I'm glad that that they will never be released on Steam.
It's a cool idea that benefits both the gamers and the developers.

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