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LIVE from the Game Room

Friday, August 3, 2012

Cover Them Hairy Legs Soraka!

As you may know, Soraka is my favorite champion in League of Legends for the Personal Computer. You may also be familiar with the fact that her default look is the ugliest in-game champion model in the entire game. I have a feeling that she will get a complete graphical redrawn in the future but in the meantime, I took advantage of unlocking her discounted Divine Soraka skin that actually improves upon the way she looks: with flowing long skirt and a more naturally colored dark hair that doesn't look like a bunch of diseased mushrooms strung together and then attached to her head. Best of all, I don't have to see her thorny-looking hairy legs anymore...

Karma has been my champion of choice of late. Time to go back to my horror-raka.

My horror-raka is back, finally looking pretty. Start... Running... Now!!!

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