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LIVE from the Game Room

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Getting Comfortable with the G110

Since I spend so much of my free time gaming on the Personal Computer these days, I have decided to get myself one of those "gaming keyboards". I really do hate that term actually - what does a "gaming keyboard" really mean since you can perfectly game using any old keyboard. I am more forgiving about a "gaming mouse" like my G700 because it does add a lot to gaming but with these specialized "gaming" keyboard, it's all about the extra comfort as well as convenience and those were the things that brought me to the Logitech Gaming Keyboard G110. It'a an older model but that doesn't make it bad.

The software support is slick and intuitive.

What attracted me the most about this keyboard is the headset connectivity. Since I do my PC gaming on the big screen - no, I am not a time traveller who brought the future technology of the year 3000 into the current world - I don't have wireless peripherals for everything and that includes the headset. I do have many quality headsets but for convenience, I often just plug in that cheap official X-Box 360 headset into the 360 controller for voice chats. Now, I can just simply hook up my best headset to the G110 - the keyboard even has off/mute buttons built in. The second feature that I am thrilled about is of course the 12 customizable extra keys on the left hand side of the keyboard. Sure, those of us who use the keyboard all the time know where the specific key for a specific input is at all times but I like the idea of having them grouped up together. Even nicer is the fact that these 12 keys are separated into 3 clusters of 4 keys. I am going to use them primarily for stuff like the in-game menu screens like character stats/inventory because the action-oriented commands will be assigned to my G700 mouse. The G110 itself is not wireless but it certainly makes up for hogging up one of your 2.0 USB port by having one on it. It's nice to just have things hooked up directly to the keyboard itself instead of having to walk that 7-8 feet to my PC which is perfect for my gaming setup.

Go red or go dead.

Other features of the G110 include the backlit keys that comes in three different colors - a non-essential to me because I don't game in the dark, not very comfortable - and the MR key that allows you to create macros on the fly. Overall, if you are looking for a fancy keyboard for gaming or otherwise that doesn't break the bank, the G110 is a great option. It doesn't have the LCD screen that is attached to the more expensive models but in all seriousness it is more exciting to see things on your beautiful gaming monitor, big or small, than on that thing. I sure wish the keyboard has more customizable keys however but 12 is more than you normally get from most of these "gaming" keyboards.

RATING: 4 out of 5

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