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LIVE from the Game Room

Friday, March 11, 2011

Not Related to Two Worlds II

I finally have Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds inducted into my Game Library today. I opted for the PlayStation 3 version for two reasons. The first should be quite obvious: I no longer have X-Box Live Gold so I want that free online versus mode. The second is more of a bonus: the PS3 version is slightly superior to the X-Box 360 release because it doesn't have any screen tearing. The lack of characters compared to the second game is definitely disappointing and that still disturbs me to no end but the graphical jump - well, it's been a while - is so huge that the game feels fresh. I really love the way all the characters look and the backgrounds are amazing as well. I just hope that they will release more of both. I am a sucker for female X-Men characters so Jean Grey/Phoenix is my favorite so far. I do miss the sweet, sweet Rogue however...

This game should have contained 100 characters on the get go.

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