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LIVE from the Game Room

Thursday, March 10, 2011

LoL: Super Epic Ban Justification

Pendragon, the Director of Community Relations for League of Legends created a very eye-opening forum thread yesterday that you can check out by clicking here. Just recently, a large number of players have been banned from the game and the thread was created to entertain the first 5 banned players who would like to know specific details on why they were banned. The results brought tears of joy and happiness to my eyes as Pendragon listed specific number of reports and the list of offenses incurred by these 5 "lucky" players. Whenever I encounter nasty people while playing the game, I always take the time to send a report at the end of the match. Since the number of those people seem to never decrease, there are times when I feel defeated about the whole situation and there was a time last month when my soul was a bit crushed as I got stuck with one negative player after another all night long for about 4 - 5 consecutive matches.

Cry moar, griefers... Cry moar!

As I have mentioned in the past, when people start talking down to me, use foul language, or bring up racist sentiments, I don't retaliate - doing so is just a mere entertainment to these kind of people - and I just report the incident when the game ends. This forum thread has reinvigorate my love for both the LoL and Riot Games and it should further encourage others to take action when they encounter similar situations. The reports don't go unnoticed and people who don't abide to the Summoner's Code will be punished. It is interesting that some people thought that it's okay to act rudely to those who don't play the game well: you can read that clearly in one of the banned players' post. Not everyone who play this game - or any other games actually - should be expected to have the same skill level. Performing badly in the game is not punishable but behaving badly will get you in trouble. Thank you Riot Games for really caring about your community!


Gameolio said...

It's good to see a stand being taken.

I wish Blizzard was a little more involved in the going ons of public chat channels and forums.

There's plenty of trash to empty.

Kelli said...

I know this isn't a channel or forum but I wish someone would take out the trash on Call of Duty.

Loner Gamer said...

Such a standard should be implemented universally across all games. It's amazing how horrible people can behave while playing with others online...

And speaking of Blizzy - yeah, they just don't care. Riot Games is setting up an example here for other developers to follow.

Kelli said...

*meaning how people act on the multiplayer (I thought my first comment didn't make sense):)