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LIVE from the Game Room

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

LoL: A New Venture

Today, I have decided to start playing Ranked Matches in League of Legends for the Personal Computer. I avoided this for the longest time now - my assumption was that if people can get really rude in the Normal matches, things would be two-thousand times uglier in Ranked but apparently that's not the case... Then again it's probably I am being matched with those who just started to play this mode. What I do like about the Ranked Matches is the "Draft Pick" in which each team is given two champions to ban and then the players take turn picking up the champions to play from the ever decreasing roster. I wish that this is enabled as an option in the Normal matches because I hate duplicate champions. Since I am not a part of a pre-made team, I am just joining the solo queue so things do get hectic during the champion selection process: a lot of unnecessary drama with a lot of players who like to argue about the picks instead of strategically discussing the situation. I plan to play in Ranked more from this point forward but I sure hope that I can get a regular team going in the near future.

This particular match didn't end well for my team and there was a lot of arguing.

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