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LIVE from the Game Room

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Woah! Old Champions Redrawn!

Today, League of Legends for the Personal Computer got another patch update complete with a new champion, Jarvan IV. The new champion is cool looking, especially his character portrait drawing but then I also noticed that four of the older champions have new looks for their "splash art". Those champions are Twitch, Evelynn, Annie, and Katarina. And these new looks look do carry over into the game for the character icons and status bar. I absolutely love the new drawings since they have that dark, mature look to them. I actually like them more than the Chinese interpretations because these drawings stay true to the actual in-game persona of these champions! You never know, maybe this whole thing would lead to a complete revamp of the actual graphics engine for the game. I surely hope that this is an indication that Riot Games is going to redraw all the blocky "polygonal" portraits that plagued the rest of the older champions. What's that? How can you play this incredible, completely free to play online game? Click here to open up your new summoner account! Do it now!

The new Evelynn and the old Evelynn.
Just merely looking the former makes me itching to play the game!

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