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Monday, March 21, 2011

Janna This and Janna That!

There are 72 unique champions in League of Legends for the Personal Computer. Just think about that for a moment. Sure you can just jump on any champion that you have unlocked - I have 52 available to be selected so far, got to keep farming those Influence Points - but to play them well means that you have to keep playing the same champion for a long period of time. Throughout my "career" of playing this game, which is a total of about 1 year and 1 month, I have only been really attached to several champions out of that huge number. The thing is however, one is required flexible enough to pick from a variety of champions to be helpful with the overall team composition so I do try to change it up every so often. The most prominent champions that I have been obsessed with are Nidalee and Evelynn. It looks like now, I can add another to that list.

The hair may be a little scary but everything else about Janna is incredible.

Enter "The Storm's Fury" Janna, a support champion who is really fun to control. Her "Howling Gale" ability, which summons a tornado that travels in a line, is an extremely effective tool during team fights because it causes so much disruptions to the enemy team. Besides its damage potential, the tornado knocks anything in its path up into the air and couple this with cooldown reduction items, this ability disables your enemy team quite severely. It is also a great tool for chasing down enemies as well as escaping from them. Then, there's her "Eye of the Storm" ability that can shield friendly ally, herself, and even a friendly turret! This shield grants attack damage increase to anyone she bestowed it upon while protecting them from damage. There were countless times that I protected allies from death during team fights by keeping them repeatedly shielded as the enemy was just pounding away, lusting to score a kill - it is very satisfying to see them getting so close to killing but ended up being killed themselves!

Still, it is Janna's ultimate called "Monsoon" that fascinates me the most: It pushes any enemy within its large circular area of effect outwards while healing her teammates who are close by. The most intriguing part to this ability is its many uses (and the fact that it is also pretty). Janna has to channel the spell to keep the healing part going but the channeling can be cancelled at any time. Thus, it can be used to just quickly push back enemies and separate them from each other. When I first started playing Janna, I focused too much on Monsoon's ability to knock back enemy towards my teammate but that usually ends badly because I would place her in a vulnerable position in front of my team. For the most part now, I only use the separation impact when it is safe and for the most part, I just use the ability to turn the tide of battle by pushing away enemies during a team fight and healing my comrades. I mostly play damage dealers in this game before but now, I am beginning to enjoy the rewards of playing support. She has been the only champion I have played the past week and I don't think I will be playing someone else for a while unless I really have to.

Triggering Monsoon deep inside the enemy base to assist a teammate.

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