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LIVE from the Game Room

Saturday, March 5, 2011

My First Fancy LoL Skin!

As I have mentioned many a times, League of Legends on the Personal Computer is a truly free to play game. All the contents that you need to pay for are completely optional, one being the ability to access specific alternate skins for the champions. Riot Games does have constant discounts for these skins and the really epic "Pharaoh" skin for Nidalee is finally on the rotation so I have decided to spend a little. I really, really love this skin for her because they even changed her look in the cougar form - now she transforms into an Egyptian cat... Yeah! It was less than $5 but that is the minimum that you have to pay for to get Riot Points in the game so it didn't cost too much. Still, with the never-ending amount of pleasure this game has given me, spending on alternate skins is the least one can do to support Riot Games for doing such an awesome job with LoL.

My two Nidalees...

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