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LIVE from the Game Room

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Monday Night on a Thursday Evening

As someone who is completely obsessed with "multiplayer online battle arena" games like League of Legends, Heroes of Newerth, and Demigod for the Personal Computer, Monday Night Combat has caught my eyes ever since its initial release on the X-Box 360 last year. I almost got it on that platform until I heard the rumors that the PC version was in the works. The game hit Steam in late January of this year and today, I finally inducted it into my Game Library. Monday Night is basically another Defense of the Ancients clone where two teams are pit against one another in an arena and the team that gets to destroy the enemy "base" wins the match. Each team is assisted with waves of bots that automatically proceed towards the opposing team's base and the game is all about making sure that you kill the enemy bots or players as well as improve your own character and base to eventually overwhelm your opponent's team. The most intriguing thing about Monday Night is that the game is more of a third person shooter compared to the top down view, point and click setup typical of the genre. Despite that innovation, the number of characters available is small however - there are only 6 classes in all. The game is currently free to play until 1pm PST this Sunday via Steam and it is on sale for $9.99 until next Monday. Because of the free weekend play promotion, the download for the game is mighty slow right now because everyone is trying to get the game. It is only about 2GB in size but the download bar says that I still have two and a half hours more to go... Ouch!

At this rate, I may have to wait until Monday night before the game is fully downloaded.

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