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LIVE from the Game Room

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

PlayStation Rewards: Unrewarding

In October of last year, I got invited into the beta of the PlayStation Rewards Program. Today, I received the following message in my email, notifying the members that the beta will be ended tomorrow and that Sony has decided not to roll this program out to the public at this time:

Saw that coming a million miles away...

Well, I really can't blame them for that decision because this program is quite frankly unremarkable, uneventful, and horrifically unrewarding. Actually, Sony can be blame for how sad the program truly is because they have spent too much effort on the PlayStation Plus that this has become nothing else but a forgotten experiment. The biggest flaw with the program is that the progress bar that is supposed to get filled up by doing "quests" (dull tasks involving your usage of the system and its features) and buying games for the system was not working throughout the duration of the beta. Though there was a section of the Rewards webpage that listed the quests you have completed - which in itself took a very long time to get updated - it was impossible to see how close or far away you are from reaching the next level of the program's tiered membership.  There were a couple of sweepstakes with nice prizes like a chance to win a Sackboy statue and trips to a variety of events but other than those things, the program offered little to none when it comes to keeping itself alive and exciting. Oh well, at least I am getting a free t-shirt from this. Will the program ever see the light of day? I doubt it since people keep paying money for that stupid PlayStation Plus membership just to get rewarded by Sony...


Gameolio said...

We will need to see that shirt.

It could make or break my PS3 purchasing decision.

Loner Gamer said...

I am sure that it will look really pretty...