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LIVE from the Game Room

Friday, March 18, 2011

Riot Games' Continual Community Focus

Riot Games has done it again! They really want the League of Legends community to continue to get better (the game is full of players with nasty attitudes but it's improving on a daily basis)  by pushing a new "agreement" option that will affect the visibility of postings in the game's official forum. Players can log on to their profiles on the website and agree or disagree to accept the game's Summoner's Code that lists the positive traits that players need to adopt while playing the game. If a player decided to not abide to the code, their forum posts will be greyed out. Perhaps the most fun thing about this is that you can now easily tell the people out there who are really not in line with creating a fun, friendly, and respectful environment for the game. It looks like no negative ramifications will come from not agreeing other than the way your text looks but I think that Riot is just going to catch these people once they have been reported from other players for not abiding to the code. They are also probably trying to get a better look at the behavioral divide within the community but I think perhaps they should implement something similar to this in the actually game client instead of this thing only affecting the forum users. Still, this is such an amazing commitment to keep the community clean... I don't think I have ever seen such a determination in the industry before! Love it!

These are very reasonable... unless you are a real jerk!

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