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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Dragon Age: Origins Once Again

In December of last year, I tried to get myself to complete Dragon Age: Origins but that attempt was a total failure - I only managed to play it during a total of only 3 days that month with the creation of a new character. The funny thing about leaving one game for a while is that when you come back to it, the subtleties of the play mechanics are most often lost so I always find myself starting that game again from the very beginning. The real problem with Origins with me when I first played it in 2009 was that I made too many characters and I switched around between them at odd intervals though I did manage to get very attached to my darling Ingrid, the all-awesome Champion/Berserker princess. Yeah, she shares the same name as my Shepard from Mass Effect 2 and of course, she does have her paws all over Alistair... I did eventually delete several of my low levels characters and to this date, I am left with 3 characters in all.

All right gang, it is time we end this stupid blight!

I am not in a hurry to jump into Dragon Age II - the story in that game is not a continuation anyway and I am thinking of waiting for that ultimate all-DLC included edition - but I can't just abandon Origins any longer. I have a total of 100+ hours spent on this game and Ingrid herself is nearing that 50-hour mark. I believe that she is pretty close to the end of the journey. I thought that it was time to try something different: Instead of continuing with the new character from December, I decided to force myself to continue with Ingrid. The experience was rather disorienting, especially when I looked at the crazy amount of abilities on her action bar but I believe that I was off to a good start. For one, I didn't have to play around with the tactic slots as long as I keep my current party member configuration - Alistair as the off-tank, Leliana as the ranged damage-dealer, and Wynne as the support healer. Speaking about Wynne, isn't she not one of the best healers in a role playing game ever? I have them programmed very effectively before I left the game apparently because when I got into my first battle, they all performed incredibly well compared to me as I was clicking my abilities at random. So, here we go again, the ultimate struggle to complete Dragon Age: Origins. I sure hope that it will work out this time around.

After 100+ hours, I have only completed 40% of the game content?


Kelli said...

Hey what a coincidence, I started playing Dragon Age orgins again too. I started over also. I started with a rogue, but now I started over with a warrior, and also using alstair, wynne, and leliana. I can't wait to get a specialization but I don't know what level that you can start learning them.. any clue?

Loner Gamer said...

Nice :) I believe the specialization points are given at level 7 and 14. Have fun playing the game again!