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LIVE from the Game Room

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Origins with an End

It looks like my recent attempt to complete Dragon Age: Origins for the Personal Computer was a success! I have finally gotten to the end of the game! I felt quite exhausted after experiencing the several major events leading up to the finale because of how powerful they were in the context of the storyline... Some provided moments of pure satisfaction while some resulted in true disgusts. Bioware loves forcing you to make some really difficult decisions. Anyway, the ending for me was somewhat bittersweet but that is only because throughout the long journey, I have learned to love the characters whom I travelled with. I do have the Awakening expansion so I should probably check that out soon and I hope that it will be as engrossing of a gaming experience as the main game was.

I believe the last game that took me this long to finish was Xenogears on the PlayStation.

60%? You can't be serious!


Kelli said...

Congratulations! I do agree Bioware do have you make difficult decisions... I'm the type that wants to please everybody. Even when I try to be mean I feel so bad afterwards.

Loner Gamer said...

Thanks. Yeah, my Grey Warden Ingrid in this game is generally a nice person unlike her parallel existence as Commander Ingrid in the Mass Effect games.

Kelli said...

I tried to go full renegade in mass effect but when it came down to keeping that thing they made out of humans, I wanted to destroy it to please my crew but I wonder what would of happened if I chose to keep it like the illusive man wanted?? till this day I would still not choose that option.