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LIVE from the Game Room

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Stealing as Gameplay Extender?

I got into a discussion about Dragon Age: Origins with a friend earlier today and when I told him that I am 70+ hours into one of my characters, he was shocked. It took him about fifty hours to finish the game and he claimed that he did a lot of the side-quests so we started to compare notes in regards to our in-game activities. Of course with a deep game like this, the gameplay mileage will vary between players depending on how involved he or she is in the role-play. The one funny thing that came up during our conversation was my obsession with being a pickpocket in the way of the rogue character Leliana. Every time I enter a new area, I ensure that I pickpocket everyone. Since the ability has a 10-second cooldown, sometimes I do find myself standing still in a populated area waiting for the ability to refresh before proceeding to the next available victims. Pickpocketing is not that profitable of a venture even though it is extremely time consuming but obviously I am addicted to it. Thankfully, I am not obsessive compulsive enough to try to pickpocket again when I go back to the areas that I have visited before - it can only be done once per person anyway - though I sometimes pickpocket a non-player character a couple of times when the ability fails... I wonder if I actually spent hours stealing from people in this game.

Stealing from the poor makes the whole thing a lot more fun!


Kelli said...

when you pickpocket people do they suspect, or catch you?

Loner Gamer said...

You don't get in trouble if you are not successful at it. They just kind of shrug you off. So forgiving they are.