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LIVE from the Game Room

Thursday, December 9, 2010

New Games Alert: Yummy Doritos Games!

There are two free games up for grabs right now on the X-Box 360's Live Marketplace: Harms Way and Crash Course. These games are the final two entries into the Unlock X-Box competition sponsored by Doritos. These games are light years better than the 2008 winner of the same contest, Dash of Destruction, both in terms of their graphical presentation and gameplay depth. Harms Way is a racing game with a twist: you can either play a racer or a shooter and the races comprise of racers trying to get to the finish line and shooters who are trying to destroy the racers. It's definitely an interesting concept and the game boasts a rather impressive graphics engine. I do however prefer Crash Course, a game where you get to help your Live avatar navigates through challenging obstacle courses. It's pretty much a time trial platformer where the goal is to get to the end of the stage as quickly as possible. The controls are tight and playing as your own avatar is just awesome. These games may be free but they are definitely worth downloading. Besides, who doesn't like free stuff? I mean, I even downloaded the dreaded Yaris on my 360. The bonus here is that these games are actually pretty fun to play. Thanks Doritos and good luck to the two finalists!

I'm voting for Crash Course for sure!

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