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LIVE from the Game Room

Saturday, December 4, 2010

New Games Alert: Of Colors and Numbers!

Two new Nintendo DS games have now become a part of my Game Library: Sonic Colors and 999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors. Having played the Nintendo Wii version of Sonic Colors, this NDS iteration certainly feels a bit lackluster because of the flat 2D graphics, even though Sonic himself is rendered in 3D and that there are some surprising 3D sections to the gameplay as well. The stage layouts are totally different so it really feels like they are two separate Sonic games. I am glad that the adventure elements have been removed to allow for a more conventional stage map design for both versions. Two good Sonic games in such a short period of time? I'll take it! As for 999, I have heard good things about this mature-themed adventure game. I am really going in blind on this one because other than the fact that it's supposed to be engrossing, I really don't know anything about this game but I am looking forward to playing it. It is rated "M" so despite the cartoonish exterior, I am sure there's something hideous hidden deep inside this game.

A mathematical problem? Maybe Dr. Eggman can help with the calculations.

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