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LIVE from the Game Room

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Back to World of Warcraft... Noooooo!

A friend of mine sent me a "Scroll of Resurrection" today for World of Warcraft on the Personal Computer. That scroll is a free 10 day subscription that you can send to anyone who has left the game for more than 90 days and like a fool, I accepted it. So now, I have 10 days to allow this game to convince me to stay and worse still, I signed up for the Cataclysm trial which means that I can play around with the new races as well: Goblin for the Horde and Worgen for the Alliance. To be honest, I really don't see myself playing this game as obsessively as I have in the past. It just takes too much time. It would have been okay if I have no interest in other games and if it doesn't require a monthly subscription. I guess we'll see what happens when the trial period ends. I must say that I am impressed with the new launcher for the game. It was able to update my vanilla WoW that I installed using the discs into Cataclsym quite fast. It also allowed me to play the game while it was downloading the game data in the background. I remembered waiting almost an entire day for the game to get patched the last time I returned to Azeroth.

I left my Shadow Priest floating on his flying mount and that was exactly where I found him. 

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