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LIVE from the Game Room

Monday, December 27, 2010

Game Avalanche at the Mountain of Steam

Got in a bit of a game frenzy today with 5 new titles for the Personal Computer inducted into my Game Library, thanks to Steam and its current "Holiday Sale" promotion. First is Lost Planet 2 - a futuristic third person shooter where you get to battle against many monstrous beasts. I heard that that the console version of this game contains a lot of broken gameplay elements and the release note specified that Capcom has given the game a "rebalanced gameplay and streamlined control mechanics" compared to its console counterparts. I am looking forward to the co-op mode for this game, which plays a little bit like Capcom's own Monster Hunter series where four players can team-up to take down huge enemy monstrosities. I have not been able to find anyone playing Dead Rising 2 online these last couple of days so I hope that will not be the case with LP2. Next is Serious Sam HD: Gold Edition which is the HD remake of the first entry to the series which was comprised of two separate parts. Contrary to the game's rather somber title, this game is hardly a serious first person shooter. It is a tongue in cheek representation of the genre and a throwback to the good old age when gameplay simplicity equals fun. The coolest thing about thing about this release is that it even comes with the really ugly and really blocky originals though I doubt that many people would actually spend a lot of time playing them.

Crazy, irresistible Steam deals! Valve wants you to spend, spend, spend!

Next is Mirror's Edge, a first person platform/action game set in a futuristic society ruled by an oppressive government. The first time I played the demo in 2008, I really didn't enjoy the short experience I had with it so whenever I see this game being offered for a very very cheap price, I would always be torn because I am not the type who would just get a game just because it's available and is within my reach. Over the past several years watching the game's video footage, I became intrigued by the game more and more. Several of my friends claim to really love the game so now the the opportunity to get the game has returned, I decided to just go for it. I hope I won't regret that decision. The fourth game I got today is Machinarium, an independently developed point and click adventure where you control a cute little robot in a world populated by machines. I really don't know what the game is all about - even the official website is devoid of the game's plot - but that's a good thing because these kind of games should always reward you for your own explorations and discoveries. Last but not least, F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin, the supernaturally-themed first person shooter (there's going to be a lot of screaming from yours truly). I liked the demo that I played on both the PlayStation 3 and the X-Box 360 early last year but I never got around to pick the game up. I always wanted to get the PC version of course and I like the fact that the wait was richly rewarded with a ridiculously low price that it was sold for... $4.99! Too many games in such a short period of time, aaargh! Love it!

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