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LIVE from the Game Room

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Chillin' on Christmas

Me and my family wanted to do something different this Christmas. So instead of that traditional dinner at the house, we decided to have one at a restaurant this rime around. It was a welcomed change for my significant other and I since we would always be the ones hosting the get together. The family still gathered at my place afterwards but we didn't have to decorate the house this time around to make the dining experience more festive.

Normally it would have been a busy morning for me but since we were going to eat out,
I was afforded some time to do some gaming, which involved some zombie killing mayhem.

As you may have already suspected, I don't celebrate Christmas for its religious significance. I only celebrate it for its social reasons. Generally speaking though, I don't think that people need to wait for a particular date to arrive just so that they can have fun with their family and friends. Life is too short for that. I don't even believe in celebrating birthdays because surviving another day on this planet should be reason enough for a big celebration. Why do you have to wait a whole year to make someone you care about feel extremely special when that day may not even arrive for you nor that special someone. But enough of that for now. People want to feel warm and fuzzy on Christmas so for whatever reason you are celebrating it, I sincerely hope that you are having a merry old time and that you get what you wanted for Christmas!

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