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LIVE from the Game Room

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Beat Hazard Going Ultra!

I was playing some Beat Hazard today where I successfully completed an objective to qualify me for another entry into the "The Great Steam Treasure Hunt" sweepstakes and at the end of another intoxicating session with the game, a nice little announcement popped up:

How can you make a masterpiece of a game better? Well, here's one way to do it.

I really, really love Beat Hazard so this is a very exciting announcement for me. If there was a flaw with the game it would be that there were not enough enemy varieties and it looks like the new downloadable upgrade will fix that. The promise of online play is also sweet and that $5 price tag means nothing for what will be an amazing enhancement to the already incredible musical shoot-'em-up experience. I can't wait for Spring 2011!

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