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LIVE from the Game Room

Monday, November 22, 2010

Game Room: Kinect-Adjusted

Since my Game Room didn't fare too well with the Kinect when I first set it up yesterday, I decided to do some extensive furniture rearrangements to gain more space in front of the sensor: Yeah! More physical work for the Kinect! I had to completely remove the computer rack that I just placed next to the entertainment center back in September and then positioned my futon along the right hand wall. I had placed a small chair where the futon used to be so that I could still sit comfortably right in front of the entertainment center and when I want to play a Kinect game, all I have to do is push the chair to the side or back. Now that the adjustment has been made, Kinect Adventures! is definitely more responsive than ever before. As a side note, apparently, the whole "controller free" idea doesn't appeal to all non-gamers: I could not convince my significant other who is very impressed by the technology to play Kinect Adventures! with me. Perhaps it's time for me to pick up Dance Central?

This new layout ended up being a lot more functional that I thought it would be.

I don't like this part of the room though: Not much can be done to hide these wires/cables.

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