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LIVE from the Game Room

Friday, November 12, 2010

New Games Alert: Raging and Redemption!

Two new games have been inducted into my Game Library today and they are both for the PlayStation 3. The first is Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage, another Dynasty Warriors clone made by the same people at Omega Force. I just love the one versus an entire nation's army type gameplay and this game delivers the same amount of thrills only with a better stage structure, nicer looking graphics, and a more deliberate pacing. Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes that I got not too long ago is definitely superior in comparison to Ken's Rage however. It does have one thing that Samurai Heroes doesn't have: the ability to make your enemies' bodies bloat in agony before they burst into glorious explosions of blood and guts. Next is Vanquish, a third person shooter that utilizes the cover/shoot mechanics popularized by the Gears of War series. Vanquish is fast-paced, futuristic, and features a hot looking robot suit worn by the main character. I really like the manic, all-or-nothing feel of the action but things can get a bit too hectic in the game. One thing that should be noted in regards to this game is that Platinum Games used the PlayStation 3 as the lead platform for its development, thus the PS3 version got one advantage over the X-Box 360 release in the form of vertical sync. I suppose this is a way for them to repent for that horrible, despicable thing they did to the PS3 version of Bayonetta.

Deaths by fists and bullets.

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