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LIVE from the Game Room

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

New Game Alert: Demon Baby Win!

Cave's Guwange is finally out on the X-Box Live Arcade today and of course I have the game safely downloaded into my X-Box 360 hard drive. It's a bullet-hell vertical shooter where you can choose from three mystical Japanese characters whom each control a unique shikigami. The use of your shikigami is the main element of the game where you need to move it towards the enemies to slow down bullets and chain score multipliers. For a Live arcade release, this game is packed full of options and features, with 3 gameplay modes and a plethora of display customizations. Perhaps Cave should consider releasing all of their shoot-'em-ups via this method of distribution in the future to satisfy both their fans in Japan and beyond instead of punishing the latter with their nonsensical region-locked releases.

Shoot your human enemies into sad puddles of blood!

1 comment:

Franky said...

just finished playing fable 3!