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LIVE from the Game Room

Monday, November 1, 2010

X-Box 360 Fall 2010 Dashboard Update

The Kinect-mandated newly designed dashboard for the X-Box 360 is here and as much as I hate the inclusion of things I don't need on my video game console - the new ESPN channel for example - I do like the new look. It has a clean, basic feel to it with a lot of white put into the entire mix. The previous appearance of the dashboard is definitely a lot more complex and modern but it's easy to see that the simplistic feel is implemented to accommodate the new group of super casual players who will be joining the X-Box gaming community starting this Thursday. If you have technology-deficient guardians, you don't want them to get confused by fancy looking shapes and bold colors while trying to have some fun with the console, right? To further welcome them into the X-Box family, the dashboard even includes a tutorial of features and navigation that you must go through to complete the update process. Will I be an early adopter of the Kinect? We'll see. I am only interested in two games for it at the moment - well, actually one, Kinectimals, since Child of Eden must be played using a regular controller or the PlayStation Move for accuracy - and the motion capture mechanics that support the $149.99 add-on is looking too flimsy at the moment.

Fancy new boot-up sequence but that whole wave thing is so PlayStation 3 though.

I think we may encounter some problem if the newbies
that this tutorial were made for have to use the controller to set everything up.

You really can't deny that the camera itself looks very high-tech.

A "welcoming" change but not necessarily a welcomed one.

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