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LIVE from the Game Room

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Heroes of Newerth Going League of Legends!

Well not entirely. Tomorrow, S2 Games is releasing a big 2.0 patch for Heroes of Newerth on the Personal Computer and with it, a plethora of changes. The most exciting things for me are the introduction of "Casual Mode" and the ability to collect coins that you can use to buy rewarding things.

Indeed it is then... Fabulous!

Casual Mode makes HoN closer to League of Legends in terms of the gameplay design - most notably, the elimination of experience lost upon the enemy creeps getting denied (killed off by your opponents in your face). You will only lose the opportunity to last hit the creeps to gain gold when they are denied, thus leveling up will not be as frustrating as the regular mode of play. Just like LoL, you also do not lose gold anymore when you die, making it easier to save up money to buy those delicious stats-boosting items to make the game a lot more entertaining for both sides of the battle. The second thing I am looking forward to is the game's new reward system. The more you play the game, the more coins you get. Just like LoL, these coins can also be purchased using real money but unlike LoL, you can purchase the entirety of the in-game shop items by just saving up your coins without paying a single penny. Only those who are impatient will end up paying money for coins to unlock cool things like alternate character models and - oh my galaxy! - alternate in-game announcer voices. The "Fabulous" voice announcer pack seems to be a must have from the preview video I saw. There are a lot of other improvements as well, including a new map, so it looks like it's a great time to start exploring HoN again. I really hope the community has been majorly cleaned up though or I may have to indulge in more LoL.

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