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Friday, October 26, 2012

PS Vita for the Sake of PSP?

I was not a fan nor was I a believer of the PlayStation Vita. I thought it was cool when it was first announced but then everything turned sour when Sony decided to become really, really - for the lack of a better word - idiotic when it comes to the unit's storage space as well as its digital distribution commitment. Then, after I tested the unit myself, the overrated non-HD screen (it's qHD folks, just a quarter of true HD and not even 720p, wake up) was a true disappointment and from that point forth, the Vita was dead to me. Recently however, I have been thinking about things differently. If you look at my "Purchase List", you will see a long list of PlayStation Portable games that I want. Some of these are available on the PlayStation Store and I would prefer to get them digitally - still too pricey though that is why it hardly ever happened - and looking at the list of compatible digital PSP titles for the Vita, only 3 games out of the 31 PSP games I have listed do not work on the Vita. I have researched the comparison between playing PSP games on an actual PSP vs. the Vita and it's conclusive that even though upscaled, the games look nicer on the Vita. But is it even worth getting a Vita just to play 28 digital PSP games? Probably not. And since the UMD drive on the PSP is probably not going to last forever, wouldn't it be a better investment to eventually get a second PSP instead? Something that could easily tip the scale in favor of the Vita would be exclusive games and even though there are several that I am interested in, I don't have faith that they will remain Vita-exclusive because I believe that they will eventually come to the PlayStation 3. I even listed these games in my Purchase List as upcoming PS3 titles. Hot Shot Golf: World Invitational lost its Vita exclusivity and it will be released PS3 in Japan this November with better features and I doubt that Sony would stop themselves from doing exactly that to other Vita bestsellers if doing so would translate into them making money and getting rich.
This soon-to-be-released bundle seems to be a nice deal but a white Vita is kind of ugly.
Will I be getting a Vita? Who knows. If I were to get one, it would be the bundle pictured above. I like the prospect of playing those digital PSP games on it because I have seen how nice they look but that's about it. Supposed Vita exclusive games like Assassins Creed III: Liberation will be ported to the PS3 (complete with unaltered ugly Vita graphics mind you) and I doubt that I would be satisfied with just having 4GB of memory - what is that, just 4 PSP digital games, maybe even less? I sure wish my spouse is into gaming. It would be nice to have someone close to me to discuss something like this with.


BloodyFuneral said...

I don't know about this one, but the last Assassin's Creed on PSP was a big disappointment and I sold it back to EBgames.

Loner Gamer said...

I heard it was bad. I never got interested in that game but it seems like I'm not missing on anything special.