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LIVE from the Game Room

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Lollipop: Sweet to the Suck

I haven't been excited about gaming on the X-Box 360 ever since I stopped playing Sine Mora earlier this year but alas, my 360 is going to be alive again for quite some time. It is not surprising then that the game that got me all giddy being back on the 360 is from the same people who were partly responsible for Sine Mora - Grasshopper Manifacture. The game I am referring to is Lollipop Chainsaw, which was just inducted into my Game Library. This zombie mayhem action game is full of vulgarity, zombie violence, extreme sexuality, and nonsensical humor that just translate into fun time on the long-forgotten console. I can definitely see myself obsessing over this game over the next couple of weeks. Does this mean that I will jump back on LIVE Gold? No. This is a single player game anyway but the spouse did express confusion over the reason behind my decision to leave the service. "$60 a year is not so bad," the spouse said when I explained the logic behind getting Dead or Alive 5 and Tekken Tag Tournament 2 on the PlayStation 3. No, it's not but online multiplayer functionalities should be free. When the zombie slayer cheerleader Juliet Starling blurted out that "Zombies suck d$%# at driving", I thought to myself, "Well, Microsoft suck d$%# for charging money to access online multiplayer."
Now that's love.


Unknown said...

I still can't believe that people pay for online on Xbox. A company could never do that with a pc game. But I suppose since theirs no alternative to xbox live on xbox people just have to do it if they want online.

Loner Gamer said...

Well, they could play the online multiplayer games on the other platforms unless of course, they want to just stick with the 360 for some reason. The funny thing is, some people pay LIVE Gold to access the non-gaming aspects of the console like the "party chat" or the Netflix stream when these things can be done for free everywhere else.