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LIVE from the Game Room

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Evelynn: Won't Be Touching That

I may like buying discounted skins in League of Legends on the Personal Computer but as I do not have the intent of unlocking all of them. Just because a skin is on sale, it doesn't mean that I will get it. Now, there are some lame skins and then there are some REALLY lame skins... Like this Shadow Evelynn skin:
She may not be blue but she still loves it when you scream. 

Now I have yet to have an alternate skin for Evelynn and right now, even though this skin is currently on sale at a ridiculously low price, I am not getting it. This ominously named skin is just a basic color swap but worse than that is that it's not even imaginative. So yeah, we know that Elevynn is... blue and that this skin gives her a more natural skin tone but instead of having her in that S & M outfit, wouldn't it be better to have her wearing something more modest to complement her more human look? Bring on the next set of discount skins, Riot Games, I want to spend some cash on you this Halloween!

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