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LIVE from the Game Room

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Game Treasury Reshuffle

After I got my backup PlayStation 2 on Saturday, I was immediately faced with a storage dilemma. My Game Treasury - the walk-in closet in my Game Room - was getting full. I was having trouble finding a place for my old PS2 as well as a spot for the box of the new unit. When I looked at the way that I organized the plethora of gaming boxes on the pre-installed shelf, the solution to my problem was immediately apparent. I had placed these boxes with the front part facing forward so by turning them sideways, I was able to reclaim plenty of room! I still haven't completed the process of having everything reorganized but hopefully, everything will be done by sometime tomorrow. It's hard for me to game though while in the middle of a project like this one because it just doesn't feel right to play anything while things are scattered around the room.
It's a slow process though because I want to make sure everything looks just right.
Mr. Skeleton was there to lend a helping hand.

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