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LIVE from the Game Room

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Achievement Whoring Doesn't Pay

Like I have said to so many X-Box 360 achievement whores in the past... Achievement whoring doesn't pay. Achievements don't mean anything. They turn players into mindless zombies whose task when getting a game for the X-Box 360 is to look at the list of things that they needed to do in the game and then do them before moving on to the next list of achievements to get. They turn the fun of gameplay into something mundane and now, even Microsoft has agreed with the totally worthless nature of accumulating achievements by introducing the new MyAchievements program where those with high achievement scores are rewarded with virtually nothing. How magical! Take a look for yourself:
Who is being rewarded here, seriously?
Apparently Microsoft thinks that a good way to reward people is to have them purchase more things from the X-Box LIVE Marketplace. You even have to be a Gold member to be rewarded, oh my! It's a horrible bait to get people to return to Gold. May I be bold and guess that the "Special Gift" promised for the account holder's birthday is some kind of game discount so that the birthday boy/girl can then spend more money on LIVE? That or some silly avatar item. I really find it funny that the achievement score threshold is set pretty low for these 3 tiers. So those who have whored their ways into the 100K are being placed at the same level of recognition as those with just 25K. Yes, keep whoring you shameless achievement whores... Get to a billion achievement points and experience the emptiness of this reward program. Don't you be laughing trophy whores, you know your PlayStation 3 trophies collection doesn't mean squat either.

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