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LIVE from the Game Room

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Less Abysmal, More Abyssal

Oh my, the three alternative skins that are on sale right now for League of Legends on the Personal Computer are all looking mighty pretty. I was thinking of unlocking all three, but that would just be a little bit of an overkill. So I ended up with two: Abyssal Nautilus and Sabretusk Sejuani. I am sorry Demolisher Nunu, maybe some other time, okay? While I like to lane with Nautilus, Sejuani is primarily the champion I would choose when I have to jungle.
Haunting the ocean depth...
...lost in the wilderness.
Meanwhile. another champion visual upgrade is ready to be released and this time around, the lucky champion is Twisted Fate. Just like the recent Soraka beautification, the new character model for Twisted Fate looks really good, I can't wait to see it in the game. I have a feeling that Riot Games will not stop with the visual upgrades until all of the older champions have been redone. I wonder who is going to be next on the list... Karthus I hope?
This game keeps getting better and better each day.


BloodyFuneral said...

Question: which Ahri skin do you like the most? Including the classic one.

I found most champions look the best with their classic skins. Except Morgana (blackthorn) and Riven (Battle Bunny)

Loner Gamer said...

Midnight Ahri looks nice.