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LIVE from the Game Room

Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Garage Gamer

I saw something interesting while I was walking Yoshi out this evening. We walked by a house that had its garage door open and inside, someone was playing some first person shooter deathmatch - maybe one of the Call of Duty games. The setup was minimalistic but nice enough. There were multiple bean bag chairs in front of a large high definition screen. The most fascinating thing about this for me is the fact that this guy was just sitting there with his back to garage door, yelling and screaming at the screen because he got killed by his opponents. I don't know about you but to me, gaming is such a personal activity that I just cannot see myself sharing with the public in person. Sure, I don't have a problem testing out game demos at the store in front of other people but to allow non-gamers to watch me play from the comfort of my gaming space... To me, that equates someone watching me as I am enjoying a naked shower underneath a majestic waterfall. When the spouse has visitors while I'm gaming, the door to the Game Room will remain shut. I think the whole garage gaming situation I encountered would have been less strange if the guy was playing with a bunch of friends but he was just alone in a dark garage. Maybe he wants the neighborhood to know that he's a hardcore gamer. But who am I to judge?
Gaming in solitude. That's my thing.

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